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Friday, September 30, 2005


I noticed some crap in my school toilet. Haha, erm not literally crap lah, but well it's this stupid alarm button found only in the female toilets they say. It's for when perverted idiots try to take a pic of you when you're in the loo, you press it. By the time the help comes the person would most prob be out of school already lor. I think it just acts as a placebo.

gwen blogged at 11:54 PM

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I decided to add more for the benefit of those who just simply love Bern and me. Haha.

gwen blogged at 9:35 PM

This pretty much summarises this trip. Thanks to Bernice's friends, I wasn't subjected to being the retarded direction blind guide/host. Haha. So relaxing to just follow than to lead in this case. Bern just went back this evening. Really sad, but will look forward to going home to be with Billy and them again! Her friend just calculated, 80 more days, and counting down.

gwen blogged at 9:27 PM

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Although my boy can't be here with me, but having Bern around is fantastic as well! I haven't been so happy ever since I've moved here. I'm gonna figure how to post pics again and display the Bern-Gwen happiness.

gwen blogged at 2:14 AM

Saturday, September 17, 2005

I don't know how he does it, always saying the best things at the best times. Don't you ever change.

gwen blogged at 11:44 PM

What has happened to me? Am I just paranoid or are things going to be this way? I'm so afraid that once all this is gotten used to, I'm out of someone's life. These relationships aren't made to work this way I know, how can I be selfish? Is it just he has so little time and I have too much? Daily calls of routine is worth only money. Is going away being cruel only to others? Do I not feel the same? So many questions. In many conversations, only some remembered. Not because of sweet words on intention, but of the simple hidden concern. I don't think I should be used to living here alone, why should I? I don't want to be used to being away from my loved ones, used to not having them, used to not needing them. Think it's still better to miss him, but I wonder what he thinks.

I wish I were a kid again,
I'd be able to say I wanna go home.

Time don't ease my pain,
and I'm afraid he'll forget.

Feels like a souvenir freshly packed,
soon to be forgotten.

My only hope for my future,
I wished had never happened.

gwen blogged at 9:43 PM

Friday, September 16, 2005

Happiness. For awhile.

I would like to thank Bern, for coming over here to accompany me ON FRIDAY!!!! WOHOOOooooo! I would like to thank Bernice, Bern, Wilbernice, and that girl that lives in Admiralty.

gwen blogged at 11:53 PM

Happiness. For awhile.

I would like to thank Bern, for coming over here to accompany me ON FRIDAY!!!! WOHOOOooooo! I would like to thank Bernice, Bern, Wilbernice, and that girl that lives in Admiralty.

gwen blogged at 11:49 PM

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Do you speek eenglish?

Im finally getting used to the crap. Like waking early, getting to school on time. BUT. I cannot tolerate the screwed up, wage cheating english lecturer.

In my adventures of the painful english class today, she gave us an impossible task. "Draw or digram". No 1, what's a freaking "digram"? Oh.... diAgram. Draw OR diAgram? OH. draw a diagram. How I fear for the level of my english with prolonged exposure of this crap. I now thank God for technology. If I don't get to talk to Billy everyday, or to Jess, Del, Angela, Bern and rest online. I can only say my english might have been headed straight for hell.

And Angela, stop rubbing your boyfriend in my face. I'm coming back ok. In about three months time. Gulp.

gwen blogged at 9:20 PM

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

the best.

Well, I've noticed that there's this guy that looks and behaves like an innocent version of RongLiang. Then Bernice said that Dior has mistaken this weird looking guy at Zouk for Rong.

better be home soon. says:
eh i quite proud of our rong leh
i think he's the best ah beng one can find

bernice says:
jus like hernie
the good english minah

better be home soon. says:
the best minah you can find
and sophian is the best mud
then who's the best ah lian?

bernice says:

better be home soon. says:
i wanted to say hui im!
in cdi they kept calling her ah lian

bernice says:
yea i know
but she;s nt really lian?

better be home soon. says:
hahaha no one knows
she's a mystery

It makes me happy to talk about our PID ppl. They make me smile.(of course, that's after Billy. haha)

gwen blogged at 12:59 AM

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Why I think that the government here is sly.

Today, I was out with my dad and his colleague. She has a car, so my dad drove today. We were leaving Causeway Bay, and went into this lane to go towards Tyson she tusk. Only a little after you turn into the lane does it show in words on the road surface that it's a bus lane. How misleading. We looked up, and there was this cop in his orange and yellow fluorescent vest, furiously scribbling our number plate down. It was obvious that he was camping on the bridge overlooking that spot common for mistakes.

That cost my dad H'S$480, which is a little over a hundred bucks in Singapore. Like how premeditated that was. Knowing how misleading the roads in honking island can be, they decided, why waste money changing the signs? Why not make multitudes of $480 from it? We can even take on a merciful image by deciding not to deduct any points. Good image, better money. Why not? Everyone has lots of $480 to spare.

gwen blogged at 9:39 PM

Friday, September 09, 2005

another long..... day

It's friday at last. Had workshop induction today. So damn boring. Going through all the machines again in cantonese. The three technicians are more boring than Chow Lee and Ong. But at least they're not dirty old men. Haha. Miss the days seeing Ong and Lee on the prowl for female freshies. They're so hopeless.

Well at least there vacuum forming machine has a real vacuum... Haha.... And I can be a lazy ass. All CNC machines and vacuum forming machines will be used by the techinicians only. I don't have to do it myself. Mwahahahaha.

gwen blogged at 6:33 PM

Thursday, September 08, 2005

ringing... again... and again... and again.

I'm starting to wonder if my English Lecturer is trying to drive me nuts on purpose. Another gruelling day in English lessons, and she still can't read, pronounce, or spell some words. I feel like wrenching the marker out of her hand and taping her mouth with industrial strength duct tape. And she has the most irritating sense of humour. She laughs at everything as if it were a mini stand up comedian speaking to her in an invisible voice. Maybe she's schizophrenic. I now am ok with Dennis' old corny jokes, cause a lousy sense of humour is better than a made up one that no one understands.

To get my day plummeting down further, another asshole is wearing Billy's CK. I will try to steer clear of anything male from now on to avoid smelling that. Making me miss him and home so much.

Bernice, if you wanna come... please do! And quick. And stay forever. Or at least til I can go home. I now know how Matt used to feel in a foreign land. I regret for saying those things about how he should try to settle down. I'm sure those words smarted in his heart like it smarts in mine now. Crap. Home is still home. No doubt about that. I'm really proud of my dad now. For holding up all these years. All for us.

gwen blogged at 10:55 PM

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

feeling sick.

I just got exempted from chinese class. Forever(half deflated whopee!) Only spoiler of the day is my throbbing head. I feel like it's gonna bust open. Think it's got to do with my late nights wake up early routine(surprise). Think I would have to start sleeping early too. Then it'll be sleep early... wake up early... get to school early... what has become of me.

Today we were to bring something important to us to class, and we were to talk about it. Mr SpongeBob was too personal to bring, so I brought my airplane ticket stubs instead. As I talked about my moving over here, the biggest milestone in my present life, I can feel the ever so often warmth in my eyes now. When I felt the dampening start, I had to cut it short. A crying episode in class is not what I need.

I hate this. Hate crying so much now. I miss home. I'm a wimp.

Picture this. A kid staying over somewhere, and despite having a good time earlier on, is now crying and says "but I just wanna go home"

gwen blogged at 9:29 PM

Monday, September 05, 2005


I'm already settling into the abundance of monotony. The odd thing is that I still procrastinate some things despite not having anything of personal pleasure(other than answering Billy's call) to get in my way. So it's just me. All along. The huge tripping stone. Myself.

So please. I'll try to remind myself to do my stuff. Don't be afraid if you see me when I'm back and I'm do the freaky split personality thing the creepy fella in the lord of the rings do.

gwen blogged at 9:32 PM

Sunday, September 04, 2005

scent. for the fourth time.

I'm going to be on a murder rampage. This is the FOURTH time I'm going through what I wanted to say, and since I found Casper's "typing of the dead" game too stressful, I am an awfully slow typer. I'll be a model secretary in a Dilbert comic strip.

Well, I bought many things at Ikea with my dad yesterday. Since he's really coulourblind, I get to choose the colour. No prizes for those who guess right what colour. It's a pre requisite of being my friend, or even my acquaintance.

Then today, this bloke wore the same CK scent that Billy always wore ever since I've shown disturbing behaviour pointing towards my liking for it(namely finding lousy excuses to get really close to him to get a deep deep whiff of it.) It's a massive form of cruelty, to have to think of him and at the same time, feel that the scent had this sharp edge to it as if mocking me in my face that it's bearer isn't the one i miss, and how far I am from him. I wanted so bad to douse him in a bucket of thinner to get the smell off.

To get my mind off that incident, I was kidding to Angela how I deserve a "Best Improvement Award" if I managed to go through a whole term without being late even once. She thinks I'm being ambitious, I'm outraged. She knows me. So well, if i make it, then it should be a "Long Term Best Improvement Award". Or preferably a big 181cm tall, XXkg parcel. Please start saving, and chip in. It's for a noble cause, really.

gwen blogged at 5:57 PM

Thursday, September 01, 2005

crap land

I had my first english class today, and it was the worst two hours ever. We had to introduce ourselves in english, and it took the longest time for 19 people to do so. I was itching the whole time to point out to the lecturer that her "diplma" was missing an "o"... and that "cury" has two Rs... and her her ever so few grammatical errors.

I was so bored throughout and she talked to us like we were three. "I was from a little place called Burma. Do you all know of such a place?" "You need to learn to write with accuracy. Do you know the meaning of accuracy?" So on and so forth....

I mean, she can just go on to explain the meaning if she feels that it's too complicated.... She just keeps going "Do you know the meaning of xxx?" and wait for the blank faces to get any more blank than a new block of A1 cartridge paper. This creates a huge buffer between her sentences.

I stand proud of waking up at seven this morning and getting to school 15min early, and not dozing off through her redundant class. Applause, please.

gwen blogged at 6:51 PM

a day of retardedness.

This morning, I took the minibus with my dad, and immediately after how he showed me how to change the fare, I went up and just tapped my card on the reader without doing so. I assumed that the settings would remain.

So thanks to my absentmindedness and the resultant a dollar odd difference(HK dollar which means about 20 odd cents) there came this really awkward and upsetting bus ride.

Then, in the afternoon, I was meeting someone for dinner, I left my apartment, closing the door when I thought to myself, did i leave my keys in my room? As I let go of the door knob to check my bag, the door shut. It's the kind that you can only open from the inside, from the outside, you'll need a key. Dammit. I had to get my dad, go down and get the keys from him after my dinner.

A double combo to my dad in one day complimentary from me, and hopefully hence forth I run out of these freebies.

gwen blogged at 12:23 AM

everything blue.

too much time?

addicting games
bunny suicides
joe cartoon




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